Notes for Embedded customers

Custom OAuth apps

You can create a custom OAuth app in order to White-label your authentications dialog in during your integrations.

Simply follow the steps outlined below:


Please be aware of the following points when dealing with scopes while using an Embedded account:

  • The scopes you use for your source / master workflow are the scopes that your end users will have when creating the auth.

  • You can also override scopes in the solution editor. This will allow you to specify that only a subset of the scopes set in the master workflow are available to your End Users. Please reach out to your Tray technical support if you wish to activate this feature.

  • When creating an OAuth app in the Salesforce UI, you can set the required scopes. However, it is NOT recommended as you would have to create a custom OAuth app for every integration that you create for this service to enforce scope limitation.

    • A better way would be to use the standard method of setting the scopes when you are creating an authentication in your source / master workflow for each Solution. This way you can have multiple integrations that use the same custom OAuth app and control them within Tray.