Artisan IMG > Showpad (showpad) (f814cf7249a767364706c0ccef2f5825)


The Showpad sales enablement platform integrates industry-leading training and coaching software with innovative content solutions, driving increased sales.


The Showpad connector on Tray allows you to interact with the data in your Showpad account in any way you choose.


Within the workflow builder, highlight the Showpad connector.

In the Showpad connector properties panel to the right of the builder, click on the Authenticate tab and the 'Add new authentication' button.

This will result in a authentication pop-up modal. The first page will ask you to name your authentication and select the type of authentication you wish to create ('Personal' or 'Organisational').

The next page asks you for your 'Subdomain' and a set of permission scopes to set. There are several scopes to choose from, so make sure to scroll through to view them all and set the appropriate permissions.

Your 'Subdomain' name can be found in your Showpad URL as the section between the https:// and before the Copy it into the authentication field as necessary.

Once you click 'Create authentication', you will be presented with a pop-up login screen for Showpad to enter your access credentials.

Login to your Showpad account using the valid credentials.

Once done, go back to your settings authentication field (within the workflow builder properties panel), and select the recently added authentication from the drop-down options now available.

Your connector authentication setup should now be complete.

Available Operations

The examples below show one or two of the available connector operations in use.

Please see the Full Operations Reference at the end of this page for details on all available operations for this connector.

Using the Raw HTTP Request ('Universal Operation')

As of version 3.0, you can effectively create your own operations.

This is a very powerful feature which you can put to use when there is an endpoint in Showpad which is not used by any of our operations.

To use this you will first of all need to research the endpoint in the Showpad API documentation v3, to find the exact format that Showpad will be expecting the endpoint to be passed in.

Note that you will only need to add the suffix to the endpoint, as the base URL will be automatically set (the base URL is picked up from the value you entered when you created your authentication).

The base URL for Showpad is:

For example, say that the 'List users' operation did not exist in our Showpad connector, and you wanted to use this endpoint. You would use the Showpad API docs to find the relevant endpoint - which in this case is a GET request called: /users.json.

More details about this endpoint can be found here.

As you can see there is also the option to include a query parameter, should you wish to do so. So if you know what your method, endpoint and details of your query parameters are, you can get the list of the first 10 users with the following settings:

Method: GET

Endpoint: /users/json

Query Parameter: Key: limit Value: 10

Final outcome being:

Example Usage

TRAY POTENTIAL: is extremely flexible. By design there is no fixed way of working with it - you can pull whatever data you need from other services and work with it using our core and helper connectors. This demo which follows shows only one possible way of working with and the showpad connector. Once you've finished working through this example please see our Introduction to working with data and jsonpaths page and Data Guide for more details.

Below is an example of a way in which you could potentially use the Showpad connector, to upload a file to a chosen library.

EXTRA AUTHS: In order to complete this workflow, you will also need to be authenticated with the Google Drive connector.

The steps will be as follows:

  1. Setup using a manual trigger and list all the files from your Google Drive.

  2. Download the file of your choice from the Google Drive

  3. Upload the downloaded file from the previous step to Showpad

  4. Get the file details

Your completed workflow should look similar to this:

1 - Setup Trigger & list and download the file

Select the Manual trigger from the trigger options available. From the connectors panel on the left, add a Google Drive connector to your workflow as a next step. Set the operation to 'List files'.

The List files operation will list all the files from your account, but we need to fetch a specific file only in this example. This can be achieved by providing the name of the file of your choice as an input in the 'Filter by name' field.

Feel free to re-name your steps as you go along to make things clearer for yourself and other users. The operation names themselves often suffice.

Now when this workflow is run, it will fetch the file by the given name from your Google Drive.

Next, add another Google Drive connector to your workflow as your next step. Set your operations to 'Download Google file'.

In order to specify the file you want to download, start by using the mapping icon (found next to the File ID input field, within the properties panel) to generate the connector-snake.

While hovering over the 'List files' step (with the tail end of the connector-snake), select id from the list of output properties displayed. This will auto-populate a jsonpath within your input field, and update the type selector to jsonpath.

For more clarification on the pathways you have available, open the Debug panel to view your step's Input and Output.

JSONPATHS: For more information on what jsonpaths are and how to use jsonpaths with Tray, please see our pages on Basic data concepts and Mapping data between steps

CONNECTOR-SNAKE: The simplest and easiest way to generate your jsonpaths is to use our feature called the Connector-snake. Please see the main page for more details.

Set the 'File type' that you want your file to be downloaded as, e.g., 'PDF' or similar.

Now when this workflow is run, it will download the file by the given ID from your Google Drive.

3 - Upload and get the file

Next, search for the Showpad connector within your connector panel, and drag it into your workflow as your next step. Set your operation to 'Upload a file'.

As you can see, the 'Library ID', 'Generic ID', 'File', and 'Name' fields are required.

Choose an appropriate 'Library ID' and 'Generic ID' from the drop-down options. Using connector-snake, you can find the jsonpath for the 'File' and the 'Name' field from the previous step.

Now when this workflow is run, it will upload the file into the selected Library in your Showpad account.

The last step is to drag a Showpad connector and set the operation to 'Get a file'. As you can see, the 'Library ID' and the 'Generic ID' fields are required. Set the value for these fields as we did earlier.

Now when this workflow is run, it will retrieve the details of the file that we have recently uploaded.

BEST PRACTICES: Whenever you do decide to create your own workflow, be sure to check out some of our key articles such as: