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Smartsheet Operations
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Add alternate email
Adds an alternate email address for specified user.
Add image to cell
Uploads an image to the specified cell within a sheet.
Add row
Adds a row into a sheet.
Attach file to comment
Attaches a file to a comment.
Attach file to row
Attaches a file to a row.
Attach file to sheet
Attaches a file to a sheet.
Attach URL to comment
Attaches a URL to a comment.
Attach URL to row
Attaches a URL to a row.
Attach URL to sheet
Attaches a URL to a sheet.
Copy folder
Creates a copy of the specified folder.
Copy rows
Copies rows from the sheet specified in another sheet.
Copy sight
Creates a copy of the specified Sight.
Create discussion on row
Creates a new discussion on a row.
Create discussion on sheet
Creates a new discussion on a sheet.
Create folder
Creates a folder in a sheet, workspace or another folder.
Create group
Creates a new group.
Create sheet
Creates a sheet from scratch.
Create workspace
Creates a workspace.
Download attachment
Returns the downloaded file.
Download report
Downloads a report as CSV or Excel file.
Get column
Only used to support dynamic output schema in 'Update column' so far.
Get folder
Gets the specified folder (and lists its contents).
Get report
Returns information about a report.
Get row
Returns information about a row.
Get sheet
Returns information about a sheet such as columns, rows and settings.
Get sheet as file
Returns information about a sheet in a csv, pdf or excel file.
Get workspace
Gets the specified workspace (and lists its contents).
List attachments
Returns a list of attachments that are on the sheet.
List columns
Returns a list of columns contained in a sheet.
List discussion attachments
Gets a list of all attachments that are in the discussion.
List discussions
Gets a list of all discussions associated with the specified sheet. Comments and attachments can optionally be included in the result.
List folders (sheet level)
Gets a list of the top-level child folders within the user's Sheets folder.
List folders (subfolder)
Gets a list of the top-level child folders within the specified folder.
List folders (workspace)
Gets a list of the top-level child folders within the specified workspace.
List groups
Returns a list of groups in an organisation.
List reports
Gets a list of all reports that the user has access to in alphabetical order by name.
List rows
Returns a list of rows contained in a sheet.
List sheets
Returns a list of sheets.
List sheets DDL
List sights
Returns a list of sights that the user has access to.
List users
Returns a list of users.
List workspaces
Returns a list of workspaces that the user has access to.
Move folder
Moves the specified folder to another location.
Move sheet
Moves the specified sheet to another location.
Searches all sheets that the user can access, for the specified text.
Search sheet
Searches a sheet for the specified text.
Send rows
Sends one or more rows via email.
Share sheet
Shares a sheet with the specified users and groups.
Share sight
Shares a sight with the specified users and groups.
Share workspace
Shares a workspace with the specified users and groups.
Update column
Updates information about a column.
Update group
Updates information about a group.
Update row
Updates a row and cell
Update sight
Updates (renames) the specified sight.