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Add contact to distribution list
Add a contact to a distribution list.
Add distribution list to campaign
Adds a distribution list to a campaign for inclusion or exclusion.
Create account
Create a new account.
Create campaign
Create a campaign.
Create contact
Create a new contact.
Create distribution list
Create a new distribution list.
Create opportunity
Create an opportunity.
Create task
Create a new task.
Create user
Create a new user.
Delete account
Delete a specified account.
Delete campaign
Delete a campaign.
Delete contact
Delete a specified contact.
Delete contact from distribution list
Delete a contact from a distribution list.
Delete distribution list
Delete a distribution list.
Delete event attendee
Delete a specified attendee of an event.
Delete landing page
Delete a landing page.
Delete opportunity
Delete an opportunity.
Delete task
Delete a task.
Delete user
Delete a user.
Get account
Retrieve detailed information about a specific account, including custom fields.
Get alert
Retrieve detailed information about a specific alert.
Get campaign
Retrieve a campaign.
Get campaign email lists
Retrieves lists that are associated to a specific campaign.
Get campaign email schema by ID
Retrieves the schema of a specific campaign and displays data regarding the field types/length.
Get campaign email statistics
Retrieves the statistics count of a campaign.
Get campaigns email schema
Retrieves the schema of the campaigner table with data regarding field types/length.
Get contact
Retrieve detailed information about a specific contact, including custom fields.
Get contact from distribution list
Retrieve a specific contact, based on distribution list ID and contact ID.
Get distribution list
Retrieve a distribution list.
Get event
Retrieve a specific event.
Get event attendee
Retrieve a singular attendee of an event.
Get event attendee schema by ID
Retrieve the schema of a specified attendee to an event and return data about the field types and values.
Get event attendees schema
Retrieve the schema of an event's attendees and return data about the field types and values.
Get event schema
Retrieve the schema of an event and return data about the field types and values.
Get event session
Retrieve information about a specific session from an event.
Get event sessions schema
Retrieve the schema of the sessions of a specified event.
Get form
Retrieve a form.
Get landing page
Retrieve a landing page.
Get legacy landing page
Retrieve a legacy landing page.
Get nurture campaign
Retrieve information about a specific nurture campaign.
Get nurture campaign schema
Retrieve the schema of nurture campaign fields. Returns data about the field types/lengths.
Get nurture campaign step
Retrieve information about a specific step within a nurture campaign.
Get nurture campaign step schema
Retrieve a schema of a specific step within a nurture campaign.
Get opportunity
Retrieve an opportunity.
Get task
Retrieve a task.
Get user
Retrieve a user.
Get web activity
Retrieve a web activity.
List accounts
Retrieve a list of all the accounts.
List alerts
Retrieve a list of the alerts.
List campaign email bounces
Retrieves a list of bounces from a specified campaign.
List campaign email clicks
Retrieves a list of recipients that have clicked on a specified email.
List campaign email opens
Retrieves a list of recipients that have opened a specified email.
List campaign email recipients
Retrieves a list of campaign recipients.
List campaign email unsubscribes
Retrieves a list of recipients that have unsubscribed from a specific campaign.
List campaigns
Retrieve a list of all the campaigns.
List campaigns DDL
List contacts
Retrieve a list of all the contacts.
List contacts DDL
List contacts from distribution list
Retrieve a list of contacts from a distribution list.
List distribution lists
Retrieve a list of all the distribution lists.
List distribution lists DDL
List distribution lists names DDL
List draft campaigns DDL
List event attendees
Retrieve a list of contacts that have attended an event with information regarding their attended, registration, and follow-up status.
List event attendees DDL
List event session attendees
Retrieve a list of attendees for a specific session of a specific event.
List event sessions
Retrieve a list of sessions from a specific event.
List event sessions DDL
List events
Retrieves a list of all events.
List events DDL
List forms
Retrieve a list of all forms.
List forms DDL
List landing pages
Retrieve a list of all the landing pages.
List landing pages DDL
List legacy landing pages
Retrieve a list of legacy landing pages.
List listeners
Retrieve a list of all records that have entered a listener.
List nurture campaign contacts
Retrieve a paginated list of contacts associated to a specific nurture campaign.
List nurture campaign steps
Retrieve a list of all the nurture campaign steps.
List nurture campaign steps DDL
List nurture campaigns
Retrieve a list of all the nurture campaigns.
List nurture campaigns DDL
List opportunities
Retrieve a list of all the opportunities.
List opportunities DDL
List recallable campaigns DDL
List tasks
Retrieve a list of tasks.
List users
Retrieve a list of users.
List web activities
Retrieve a list of all web activities.
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Recall campaign email
Recalls a specified scheduled campaign email and places it back into "Draft" mode.
Schedule campaign email
Schedules an email for a future send date.
Send campaign email
Sends a specified draft campaign email immediately.
Update account
Update a specific account.
Update campaign
Update a campaign.
Update contact
Update a specific contact.
Update distribution list
Update a distribution list.
Update event attendee
Update a specific attendee of an event.
Update opportunity
Update an opportunity.
Update task
Update a task.
Update user
Update a user.