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SurveyMonkey Operations
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Get survey
Retrieve information about a single survey.
Get survey collector
Return a collector.
Get survey page
Retrieve a single page of a survey.
Get survey page question
Retrieve a question of a survey page.
Get survey response
Retrieve a full expanded response to a specified question.
List contact fields DDL
List contact lists
Retrieve a list of contact lists.
List contact lists DDL
List contacts
Retrieve a list of all contacts.
List contacts in contact list
Retrieve a list of all contacts in a contact list.
List custom contact fields
Retrieves a list of all custom contact fields.
List full survey responses
Retrieve a list of full expanded responses, including answers to all questions.
List full survey responses DDL
List questions
Retrieve a list of question bank questions available to the user.
List recipients
Return a list of recipients.
List survey collectors
Return a list of collectors for a given survey.
List survey collectors DDL
List survey languages
Retrieve the list of languages available in a survey.
List survey languages DDL
List survey page questions
Retrieve the page questions of a survey.
List survey page questions DDL
List survey pages
Retrieve the pages belonging to a survey.
List survey pages DDL
List surveys
Return a list of surveys owned or shared with the user.
List surveys DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.