Artisan IMG > Udemy for Business (udemy-for-business) (2174355a1f112b2a79f09fc9c9df2555)
Udemy for Business
Artisan IMG > Udemy for Business (udemy-for-business) (2174355a1f112b2a79f09fc9c9df2555)

Udemy for Business

Udemy for Business is a subscription-based set of business-related courses.


Udemy for Business is based on a consumer-first on-demand learning solution. In addition to its curated content collection, organizations can also securely host and distribute their own proprietary content.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not the same as the Udemy connector. If you are not using a Udemy Business account with this connector your workflows will not work. Please make sure you are using the correct connector before continuing.

API INFO: The Base URL used for the Udemy for Business connector is https://<<portal_name>><<portal_id>>. More information can be found on their main API documentation (v2.0) site.

NEED A TRIGGER?: Remember that as a user you can always create your own service trigger should you require one. Check out the Webhook Trigger documentation page for more details.

There are currently four list and get type operations associated with this connector. Please maintain best practices when using them to understand your consumer consumption.