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Create binder
Create a new binder in the vault.
Create document
Create a single document in the vault. You can also create a document placeholder by including document information in the request and withholding the file object.
Create document attachment
Create an attachment on the latest version of a document. If the attachment already exists, Vault uploads the attachment as a new version of the existing attachment.
Create files or folders in the staging server
Upload files or folders up to 50MB to the File Staging Server.
Create multiple document versions
Create or add multiple document versions in bulk via CSV file.
Create single document version
Add a new draft version of an existing document. You can choose to either use the existing source file or a new source file. These actions will increase the document’s minor version number. This is analogous to using the 'Create Draft' action in the UI.
Delete binder
Delete a specified binder.
Download document
Download a document file.
Download document version file
Download the file of a specific document version.
Get binder
Retrieve a specified binder.
Get document
Retrieve a specified document.
Get document classification
Retrieve all metadata from a document classification.
Get document subtype
Retrieve all metadata from a document subtype, including all of its classifications (when available).
Get document type
Retrieve all metadata from a document type, including all of its subtypes (when available) and fields.
Get document version
Retrieve all fields and values configured on a document version.
List all document fields
Retrieve all standard and custom document fields and field properties
List all document fields DDL
List binders
Retrieve all binders.
List binders DDL
List document attachments
Retrieve the attachment(s) of a specified document.
List document attachments DDL
List document classifications DDL
List document fields
Retrieve document fields.
List document subtypes DDL
List document types
Retrieve all document types.
List document types DDL
List document types label DDL
List documents
Retrieve all documents to which you have access.
List documents DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Update binder
Update a specified binder.
Update document
Update a specified document.
Update document attachment description
Update the description of an attachment on the latest version of a document.
Update document version
Update editable field values on a specific version of a document.