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Virtuous CRM
Virtuous CRM Operations
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Archive a contact
Archive a contact using its unique identifier given by Virtuous.
Create contact
Create a new contact for Virtuous CRM.
Create new tag for contact
Create a new contact tag for the specified contact.
Follow contact by ID
Follow a contact using their given ID.
Get contact by ID
Get contact information using their Virtuous ID
Get contact by reference source and reference ID
Get contact information using a reference source and reference ID.
List activity of contacts followed
Lists the activity of contacts which are followed by this account.
List contact name prefixes
List al the contact name prefixes used on this account.
List contact name prefixes DDL
List contact types
Lists all contact types on Virtuous.
List contact types DDL
List contacts within proximity of a geocoordinate.
List all those contacts within a given proximity using latitude and longitude coordinates provided.
List custom fields for contact individuals DDL
List custom fields for contacts
List all custom fields for contacts on Virtuous.
List custom fields for contacts DDL
List followed contacts
List all the contacts which are being followed by this account,
List tags for contact
Return a list of tags for the specified contact
List tags for current organisation
Return a list of the current organisation tags
List tags for current organisation DDL
Return a list of the current organisation tags
List types of contact methods DDL
Search contacts
Find all contacts that match, fully or partially, the given search parameters.
Toggle follow contact
Toggle the setting of whether the user follows the given contact
Unfollow contact by ID
Unfollow a contact using their given ID.
Update contact
Rewrite information about an existing contact using their unique ID. Any fields left blank will be overridden and cleared. It is important you fill in all blanks that you do not want to be overriden.