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Webdam Operations
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Create folder
Create a new folder.
Delete asset
Delete an asset.
Delete folder
Delete a folder.
Download asset
Download an asset.
Get asset
Retrieve an asset.
Get embeddable links
Retrieve embeddable links information.
Get folder
Retrieve folder information.
Get subscription
Retrieve account subscription details.
List asset XMP metadata
Retrieve XMP metadata on a given asset or assets.
List assets
Search for assets using version 1 of the Search API.
List assets v2
Search for assets using version 2 of the Search API.
List brand portals
Retrieve a list of brand portals.
List download presets
Retrieve a list of download presets in your account.
List folder assets
Retrieve a list of assets for a folder.
List folder assets DDL
List folders
Retrieve a list of top-level folders for an account.
List folders DDL
List update xmp metadata schemas DDL
List users
Retrieve a list of users for a given account.
List users DDL
List XMP metadata schemas
Retrieve a list of XMP metadata schemas.
List xmp metadata schemas DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Set download link expiration
Set download link expiration.
Update asset
Update an existing asset.
Update asset XMP metadata
Update asset XMP metadata.
Update folder
Update an existing folder.
Update XMP metadata schemas
Update XMP metadata schemas.
Upload asset
Upload an asset.