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Xero Operations
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Apply payments
Allows you to apply payments to approved AR and AP invoices or refund AR or AP credit notes.
Create bank transfer
Creates a bank transfer.
Create contacts
Allows you to add contacts to a Xero organisation.
Create invoice notes
Adds notes to an invoice.
Create update bank transaction
Creates or updates a bank transaction.
Create/update invoice
Creates or updates an invoice.
Delete invoice
Deletes an invoice. If the current status of the invoice is DRAFT or SUBMITTED, this will assign the DELETED status to the invoice. Otherwise, if the status of the invoice is AUTHORISED this will assign the VOIDED status to the invoice.
Delete payment
Delete a payment.
Email invoice
Emails an invoice to the contact associated with the invoice.
Get a payment
Retrieves a single payment.
Get account
Retrieves a single account.
Get bank transaction
Retrieves information about a bank transaction.
Get bank transfer
Retrieves information about a bank transfer.
Get contact
Returns a contact.
Get invoice
Retrieves a single sales invoice or purchase bill by invoice ID or number.
Get invoice URL
To integrate your application with Xero's online invoicing, you can retrieve the online invoice url for sales (ACCREC) invoices. Note: you cannot retrieve an online invoice URL for DRAFT invoices.
Get item
Retrieves a single item.
Get organisation
Retrieves information about a Xero organisation.
List account codes DDL
List account IDs DDL
List accounts
Retrieves a list of accounts.
List attachments
Retrieves a list of attachments.
List bank transactions
Retrieves a list of bank transactions.
List bank transactions DDL
List bank transfers
Retrieves a list of bank transfers.
List bank transfers DDL
List branding themes
Retrieves a list of branding themes.
List branding themes DDL
List contacts
Retrieves a list of contacts.
List contacts DDL
List credit note IDs DDL
List currencies
Retrieves a list of currencies.
List currencies DDL
List invoice IDs DDL
List invoice notes
Retrieves a list of history records associated with an invoice.
List invoice numbers DDL
List invoices
Retrieves a list of sales invoices or purchase bills.
List item codes DDL
List items
Retrieves a list of items.
List line item IDs DDL
List overpayment IDs DDL
List payments
Retrieves a list of payments.
List prepayment IDs DDL
List tenancies
Retrieves a list of tenancy IDs associated with your account.
List tenancies DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Update contacts
Allows you to update contacts of a Xero organisation
Upload attachment to bank transfer
Uploads an attachment to a bank transfer.
Upload attachment to invoice
Uploads an attachment to an invoice.