Artisan IMG > Xverify (xverify) (215c5091a9a94e5653da603b82cd7d69)


Xverify offers businesses instant, real time verification to ensure users are valid. Users who are not valid will not be allowed to register on a company's site.


The Xverify connector on Tray allows you to perfom verfications to ensure user data are valid.

Note: Address and phone verification are available only for US and Canada addresses and phone numbers.

Available Operations

The examples below show one or two of the available connector operations in use.

Please see the Full Operations Reference at the end of this page for details on all available operations for this connector.


The first step is to log in to your Xverify account and visit My account to add domains to the trusted domains list to enable the verification services. Now you have the Api key and the domain to create an authentication for the Xverify connector.

Add the Xverify connector to the workflow and hit the New Authentication button found in the input panel. You will see this screen:

Input your API key into the API key box, and Domain in the Domain box. Click Add authentication, and if your details are correct then you will be authenticated.

Example 1 - Email verification

To use this operation, select the Email verification operation in the input panel. Add the email address to verify in the input panel and click Run workflow.

Note: Here you have the option to fail the workflow step if the email address is not valid by ticking the Fail step? box.

Below you can see that the workflow ran successfully and the verification information is returned.

If the email is invalid you can expect the below response.

Example 2 - Phone verification

To use this operation, select the Phone verification operation in the input panel. Add the phone number to verify in the input panel.

You can also select the phone number type from the drop down option and click Run workflow.