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Create announcement
Create a new announcement.
Create message
Create a new message.
Create message with attachments
Create a new message.
Delete user
Delete a user. Current user should be an admin or a verified admin in a paid Yammer network to perform this action.
Get current user
View data about the current user.
Get subscription to topic
Check to see if you are subscribed to a topic with the specified ID.
Get subscription to user
Check to see if you are subscribed to the user with the specified ID.
Get thread
Retrieve a specific thread.
Get topic
Retrieve a specific topic.
Get user
Retrieve a specific user.
Get user by email
Retrieve a specific user by email address.
List current user notifications
List notifications for the current user.
List feed messages
List messages from the user’s feed, based on the selection they have made between “Following” and “Top” conversations.
List following messages
List messages from the “Following” feed which is conversations involving people and topics that the user is following.
List group messages
List all messages in a specified group.
List group users
List users for a specified group.
List messages
List public messages in the user‘s Yammer network.
List networks
List networks to which the current user has access.
List thread messages
List messages in a specified thread.
List top messages
List messages from the algorithmic feed for the user that corresponds to “Top” conversations.
List topic messages
List messages relating to a specified topic.
List user groups
List groups for a specified user.
List users
List users in the current user’s network.
Raw HTTP Request (Advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Suspend user
Suspend a user. Current user should be an admin or a verified admin in a paid Yammer network to perform this action.