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Zendesk Sunshine
Zendesk Sunshine Operations
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Create object record
Creates an object record.
Create object type
Creates an object type describing the properties of the object records to be created of that type.
Create relationship record
Creates a relationship record between two object records based on a relationship type. The relationship type defines the object types of the two object records.
Create relationship type
Creates a relationship type. If a duplicate key is detected, the relationship type is not created.
Create user event
Store an event for a given Zendesk user and profile. If the profile does not exist this operation creates a new one.
Delete object record
Deletes the specified object record.
Delete object type
Deletes the object type with the specified key.
Delete relationship record
Deletes the specified relationship record.
Delete relationship type
Deletes the specified relationship type.
Get object record
Returns the specified object record.
Get object type
Returns the object type with the specified key.
Get profile by ID
Return a profile for a given profile ID.
Get profile by identifier query
Return a profile that matches the given identifier query criteria.
Get relationship type
Returns the specified relationship type
List events by profile ID
Return a list of events for a Sunshine profile by its ID.
List events by profile identifier query
Return a list of events for a Sunshine profile by its identifier query.
List object records by type key & external IDs
Returns object records by object type & external IDs.
List object types
Returns the account's object types. Zendesk object types such as 'zen: user' are not included.
List profiles by user
Retrieve the profiles of a specified Zendesk user.
List related object records
Returns all the object records that the specified object record has relationship records with for the specified relationship type.
List relationship records by object record
Returns the relationship records of a specified relationship type for a specified object record.
List relationship records by type
Returns all the relationship records of the specified relationship type.
List relationship types
Returns the account's relationship types.
Query object records
Return a list of object records that match your query parameters.
Update object record
Updates the attributes object of the specified object record. It does not update any other record properties.
Update object type
Updates the schema or end_users_can_read properties of an object type. It does not update the key.