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Get authorized user
Returns information about the currently authorized user.
Get employee field
Retrieves the given employee field.
List all flows
Returns all flows across all people's subscriptions
List applications
Returns information about your application(s).
List companies
Returns information about companies.
List company bank accounts
Returns information about a company's bank account.
List custom fields
Returns information about a company's custom fields
List custom fields DDL
List departments
Returns a list of a company's departments.
List employee bank accounts
Returns information about an employee's bank accounts.
List employee fields DDL
List employements
Returns information about an employee's historical employment.
List flow custom fields DDL
List installation custom fields DDL
List installations
Returns information about the installations for companies who have added your application.
List installations DDL
List labor group types
Returns information about a company's labor group types.
List labor group types DDL
List locations
Returns a list of a company's locations.
List people
Returns information about a company's employees.
List person custom field values
Returns information about a person's custom field answers.
List person subscriptions
Returns information about the subscriptions for people in the company where your integration was added.
List person subscriptions DDL
List sub labor groups
Returns a list of labor groups for a given labor group type.
List subscription custom fields DDL
List subscription flows
Returns information about the flows (e.g. hiring) completed by people who have added your application.
List subscription flows DDL
List time durations
Returns information about a person's T&A hours.
List vacation requests
Returns information about employees' PTO vacation requests.
List vacation types
Returns information about a company's PTO vacation types.
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Set installation custom fields
Set values for installation custom fields.
Set subscription custom fields
Set values for subscription custom fields.
Set subscription flow custom fields
Set values for subscription flow custom fields.
Trigger a new flow
Triggers a collection of new information from a person outside of the standard flows.
Update installation status
Updates Zenefits when your application is ready to begin working for a company.
Update subscription status
Updates Zenefits when accounts in your service are linked to Zenefits accounts.