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Operations (sample payloads)
Zoho Operations
Latest version:
Convert lead
Converts a lead.
Create specific record
Creates a new entity and inserts it into a module.
Create/Update records
Creates new records or updates existing ones.
Delete records
Deletes one or a list of records.
Get organization
Gets information about the current organization
Get record
Returns information about a record.
Get user
Get a specific user using their ID
List convertable modules DDL
Checks if the user can convert a record in the current module.
List creatable modules DDL
Checks if the user can create a record in the current module.
List deletable modules DDL
Checks if the user can delete a record in the current module.
List fields DDL
Retrieves the field meta data for the specified module. The fields displayed are from all layouts for the module and the response does not contain layout-specific fields like mandatory fields or picklist values.
List record IDs DDL
A DDL for selecting individual records.
List records
Returns the list available records from a module.
List upsertable modules DDL
Checks if the user can create a record in the current module.
List users
List / filter users found in Zoho account
List viewable modules DDL
Checks if the user can view a record in the current module.
Search records
Returns a list of records matching the search criteria.
Update records
Updates existing record.
Update specific record
Updates information about a specific record.
Operations (sample payloads)