Artisan SVG > Callable Trigger (callable-trigger) (flash-1)
Callable Trigger
Artisan SVG > Callable Trigger (callable-trigger) (flash-1)

Callable Trigger

The Callable Trigger is a trigger that is called by other workflows


The callable trigger is useful for breaking up larger workflows and for creating common modules that can be reused in multiple workflows.

When configuring a long and perhaps complex Workflow, before progressing to the next stage in your Workflow, you may wish to gather some or all of the data that has been generated thus far and send it to a Callable Workflow to be processed separately.

The Basic setup below is a very quick example of how to set up a callable trigger.

Please see our page on Using Callable Workflows for more detailed guidance on when to use Callable Workflows, and how to follow best practices.

It is not possible to replay 'Fire and wait for response' (Trigger and respond) callable workflows as it would “wake up” the parent workflow and re-run any subsequent steps.

'Fire and Forget' (Trigger) callable workflow executions can be replayed from within the callable workflow, as they are decoupled from any particular parent execution context.

To replay these workflows you will need to initiate another run of the parent workflow. Please see our Logs documentation for more info on replaying workflow runs.

Basic setup

Viewing dependent workflows

From your workflow list it is possible to get a view of what workflows make use of any particular callable workflow:

This is useful for monitoring how a callable workflow is used in your org.

It can also enable you to check what workflows might be unintentionally affected if the trigger workflow is deleted (please also see the note below on disabling callable workflows):

Important note on Disabling Callable workflows

Disabling callable workflows is something that needs to be managed very carefully.

It is possible to have several workflows calling one "Callable workflow".

Therefore Tray has the built-in protection of not allowing callable workflows to be disabled. This is to prevent any workflows from returning errors.

So if you do wish to disable a callable workflow, this must be done by using a Terminate connector.

In order for this to be effective, it must be placed before the the connector steps themselves.

This will have the effect of disabling the workflow, without creating any errors in workflows that call it.