All Fixes

September 17, 2024

UI Fix: Edit Data Mapping Option and Deselection Confirmation

We've added a new 'Edit Data Mapping' option and a deselection confirmation to the UI to help prevent unintended edits.

September 5, 2024

Dynamic Output Schema Update Optimization

Steps that have a dynamic output schema update work smooth when there is a change in the inputs that updates the output schema.

This is most notable for the Salesforce `find records` operation. Now when a new field is added to the inputs of that step it works as expected without any glitches or delays in responsiveness. Shout out to Stuart for this fix - appreciate you! Salesforce builders rejoice!

June 18, 2024

Configuration Data UI Updates

We fixed a bug that caused problems when updating configuration data and modernized the UI of the experience at the same time.

April 15, 2024

Fixed issues with marking end users as test users

We have corrected problems with marking embedded end users as test users for UAC accounts.

January 11, 2024

Fixes - Week of January 8th

  • We have made several fixes to make for a smoother user experience when accessing execution logs

January 5, 2024

Improved Exported JSON Consistency

We have enhanced the ordering of exported project JSON for a more consistent experience.

Previously, certain arrays and objects appeared in different orders during exports. Now, fields such as workflows, steps, config, and auth slots are consistently arranged alphabetically.

This refinement enhances side-by-side JSON comparisons, facilitating an easier identification of changes between project versions for environment promotion purposes.

January 4, 2024

Fixes - Week of January 1st

  • We have resolved an issue where some customers were experiencing session timeout or expired when trying to access Merlin. This ensures that customers can access Merlin without any issues.

December 8, 2023

Fixes - Week of December 8th

  • Slack Connector now supports OAuth V2 for new application scopes.