Artisan IMG > Typeform (typeform-trigger) (1e3b0d61-5019-4041-b284-4ae171fa61e7)
Artisan IMG > Google Sheets (sheets) (a894e6ff-8a08-4375-ac35-ab9b5d2bc849)
Artisan IMG > Slack (slack) (6632c308-2cd1-4f68-8128-e521e552a66b)

Add Typeform survey responses to Google Sheets


This is a 'Project' template which means that it contains a group of workflows that work together to achieve a particular aim


This template accompanies the main quickstart tutorial from the 'Building automations' section of our documentation.

Please follow the instructions laid out here to test the project, then head over to the tutorial for a breakdown of how it was built.


Required accounts

- A Typeform account (takes 5 minutes to set up a free one and create a survey!)

- A Google Sheets account

- A Slack account (optional)

Create a Typeform survey

Login to your Typeform account and create a new survey called e.g. 'Service feedback form'.

Now create a series of questions:

1. How satisfied were you with the results from our consultations?

This should be a multiple choice question with the following options:

2. What industry does your organization belong to?

This should be a drop-down question with a list of industries as the options: Agriculture, Construction, Education, Finance, Healthcare etc:

3. How long have you been a client of our consulting service?

This should be a multiple choice question with the following options:

Make sure that the possible responses exactly match those above, otherwise the data mapping set up in the template won't work!

4. What is the size of your organization?

This should be a multiple choice question with the following options:

Make sure that the possible responses exactly match those above, otherwise the data mapping set up in the template won't work!

5. Which country is your organization based in?

This should be a drop-down question with a list of countries as the options: United States, Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom etc:

Once the survey is complete, click 'Publish'.

Create a Google Sheet

Now in your Google Sheets account create a new sheet with headers for each of the Typeform questions.

And rename Sheet1 to 'responses':

Create a Slack channel (optional)

Login to Slack and create a new channel called 'survey_responses'

Testing the project

Import the project

Click on 'Use Template' to import the project to a workspace of your choice.

Create authentications

For each of Typeform, Sheets and Slack go to steps in each workflow and create a new authentication:

For each service when you click to create a new authentication, it should just pick up your current logged in session.

Set project config

Click to open the 'Project level config':

And pay particular attention to:

- The spreadsheet_id for your Google Sheet (found in the url when editing the sheet: )

- The form_id for your Typeform survey (found in the url when editing the survey: )

Enable the main workflow

In the main 'Typeform trigger workflow' click the 'Enable workflow' button at the bottom of your screen.

Test the static workflow

1. Make sure that the processing_method in your project config is set to 'static'

2. If you are not using Slack then you can either:

  • Change the Google Sheets error handling to 'Stop workflow (default)':

  • Insert a Send Email connector on the 'error' and 'default' steps and copy the content from the Slack message boxes, then delete the Slack steps

3. Go to the public url for your Typeform survey and submit answers to all questions

4. Check your Google Sheet to look out for a new row coming in

5. Click on 'logs' in both the 'Typeform trigger' workflow and the static workflow to check the details of your successful run - or to try and troubleshoot if it failed!

Test the dynamic workflow

1. Go to your Google Sheet and delete all the content - including the headers

2. Go to your project config and change processing_method to 'dynamic'

3. Go to the public url for your Typeform survey and submit answers to all questions

4. Check your Google Sheet to look out for the headers being created and for a new row coming in

5. Click on 'logs' in both the 'Typeform trigger' workflow and the dynamic workflow to check the details of your successful run - or to try and troubleshoot if it failed!