API reference viewer

                                                          Once you have successfully built an API, it is possible to view your API reference directly in the Tray Operations UI.

                                                          This can be done by going to the 'Operations' section of your project and clicking on 'API reference':

                                                          This organized display gives you a quick, structured reference to understand each endpoint’s purpose, usage, expected data formats, and responses, enhancing the overall usability of your API.

                                                          Here’s an overview of the information that you can expect to see:

                                                          1. General API Information:

                                                            • API Title, such as “APIM Docs” for easy identification of the API.

                                                            • Version, such as “1.0.0”, helping users know which version they are interacting with.

                                                            • Base URL: The server URL (e.g. "https://e99e999e-e9ee-999e-9999-9e99ff99eee9-api.trayapp.io") is provided, showing the endpoint’s base for constructing requests.

                                                          2. Endpoint Details:

                                                            • Endpoint Path, such as /v1/leads indicate where to send requests.

                                                            • Operation ID, such as “Get SFDC leads” reference specific operations.

                                                          3. Request Information:

                                                            • HTTP Methods: Each endpoint’s supported HTTP methods, such as GET, are highlighted to guide how requests should be made.

                                                            • Parameters:

                                                              • Query Parameters: Details on optional query parameters (e.g. domain, get_by, lead_owner_email) specify the data users can send in requests.

                                                              • Headers: Specific headers like source are outlined, along with descriptions and types (e.g., string), providing insight into required/requested information to accompany the request.

                                                              • Data Types: Each parameter has a specified type (e.g., string) and description, helping users form correctly structured queries.

                                                          4. Response Information:

                                                            • Successful Responses (200)

                                                            • Error Responses:

                                                              • 400 Bad Request: Describes scenarios of invalid input with a structured message field.

                                                              • 403 Forbidden: Indicates permission-related issues with standard messaging.

                                                              • 500 Internal Server Error: Helps identify internal server issues with a predefined message format.

                                                          5. Schema Definitions: Each response (including errors) has a clearly defined schema. Users can view data structures (e.g., leads array) and property types, making it easier to parse responses programmatically.