Agent group config

To achieve high availability and load balancing agents can be added to an on-prem group.

Agents in the same group can both:

  • Distribute work between them to maintain performance

  • Act as backups if any agent goes down

Note that load balancing will not speed up execution of network resources - it will, in the case of high throughput, ensure that no one agent gets overloaded and becomes a bottleneck in the process.

Agents within the same group should be installed on the same network.

Creating / selecting a group

You can also use the API to create an Agent Group.

Any time you are setting up an on-prem agent you have the option of selecting an existing or creating a new group:

Using groups

Any time you are creating an authentication for an on-prem service, you choose which group to connect with.

Please see the page on testing and authenticating connectors for more information on connecting to services within your network.

Deleting a group

You can also use the API to delete an Agent Group.

Groups can be deleted when looking at the list of groups.

Note that it is not possible to delete groups that contain one or more agents

It is also not possible to delete a group that is being used by any connector authentications (this will prevent connector steps and workflows from breaking):