Updating connector version

Connectors have different "versions" in Tray. Every time an update is made to a connector (i.e. every time we add new operations and functionality to a service or helper connector), a new version is created.

We highly recommend that you maintain up to date connector versions throughout your your workflow usage.

Auto Update not available

IMPORTANT!: When a new connector version is available and you are using it in a workflow, you will need to manually update it yourself.

We do not allow automatic version updates because there is a risk that it may break your workflow.

One (or possibly all) of the following critical aspects may have changed during a connector version update.

  • Authentication method (token-based, OAuth-based etc.):

    • Therefore it may be necessary to create a new authentication in order for the updated connector to work.

  • Operation names:

    • Therefore you will need to select the new/updated operation along with the required functionality.

  • Operations may return their results in a different format:

These important components cannot be automatically integrated. The connector therefore must be tested before assuming the workflow will continue to run as expected.

When should I update my connector?

General updates vs Deprecations

Deprecation: When the previous version/s of a connector is no longer maintained and will be removed as an option within a set timeline.

A deprecation will necessitate the update of a connector version.

General updates: Third party services are continually updating their product and Tray will periodically update connector versions to incorporate new functionality etc.

It is up to you to decide if you wish to update your connectors to take advantage of new features, bug fixes etc.

Updating your connector/s to the latest version will allow you to get the latest connector functionality when building workflows.

Advantages include but are not limited to:

  • Updated/new functionality: This can include but is not limited to updated operations, new service options, and more. Updates may even result in a significantly simplified workflow.

  • Future proofing: Good maintenance of your workflow will mean that it will be easier to adapt if/when need be and for others to potentially use after you.

  • New Authentication methods: Services will update their authentication methods accordingly and you may find the latest version not only more secure but better for your individual use case.

  • Bug fixes

How do I know when a new version is available?

You will know there is a new version of your connector (or trigger) when it is mentioned in the latest Release Notes publication.

This document includes any/all updates regarding the latest connector versions and important notes our customers should be made aware of.

Please note that it is currently not possible to subscribe to updates for a particular connector.

Bug Fix vs Major Update

  • Bug Fix: Is relative to the connector and is essentially a minor version update. It is symbolised by incrementation of the latter index:

    • v2.2 -> v2.3

  • Major Update: Is essentially a new version of the connector. It is symbolised by incrementation of the primary index.

    • It can represent breaking changes which is why we strongly recommend you read the release notes when this occurs as it may effect your current workflows.

    • v2.2 -> v3.0

Incompatibility of different major versions

With some connectors, different major versions cannot be used together in the same workflow.

An example of this is the CSV Editor, where files created with a step using connector version 3.x can only be used by a step also set at version 3.x - and similarly for 2.x.

If you want to start using version 3.x in a workflow which has previously used 2.x, all CSV Editor steps will need set to 3.x. This will mean checking and testing the functionality of all steps which were previously set at 2.x.

From this point it should be that every time the workflow is triggered, all CSV Editor steps will be creating only 3.x - compatible output.

Best practices

Keep your Originals

Before updating any connector we strongly recommend you save a version of your original connector or workflow first.

This will allow you to easily revert back should any unexpected breakages or changes occur. Use one of the following methods depending on your use case.

  • Individual/small changes:

    • We recommend using either the Snippet feature or Duplication method for individual workflow steps.

    • Remember that new connectors come with new step numbers. See our Check your Dependencies section below for more details.

  • Multiple changes:

    • Duplicate the workflow itself so an 'original' copy remains in your account to refer back to.

Check your Dependencies

Tray's Workflow Step Dependencies feature will help you understand which connectors are going to be affected by your version update.

Simply click on the connector you plan to update to use this visual aid. It will provide a quick overview of the relationships between your workflow steps. 

It is the affected connectors and their relative jsonpaths which will need to be checked and tested. We highly recommend you make a list of all the step dependencies associated before beginning any alterations.

Connectors (copied or otherwise) include step numbers . For example this jsonpath uses step number 1: {.steps.object-helpers-1.result...}.

You need to ensure that the final working connector version either uses the same step number as the original OR that all jsonpath references to the original connector have been updated to refer to the new connector/step number instead.

Check out our page on Workflow step dependencies for more details on the data and destination feature.

How to update the version of a connector

  1. Click the connector step that you want to edit.

  2. The connector properties panel will automatically display. In the bottom left corner the version options are available. Once selected a dropdown will appear.

  3. Choose the version you want to use.