Setting up your environment

                                                      Exactly how you will want to manage your Org to enable version control and environment promotion will depend on your use case and which package of Tray you are working with.

                                                      Workspaces as environments

                                                      You should make use of shared workspaces to manage your environments.

                                                      The following diagram shows a multiple workspace setup whereby you have dev and prod workspaces for each department.

                                                      Workspaces can be created and used to sub-divide your organization, for example:

                                                      • Company departments (sales, marketing, HR etc.)

                                                      • Internal teams

                                                      • A bespoke integration for a customers.

                                                      • Control what access each user has access to which env/workspace

                                                      • Auths are only available to users in that workspace

                                                      • Export project from department dev and import to department prod workspace

                                                      • Create in organization workspace to make custom services and custom connectors available to all workspaces

                                                      Embedded integrations setup

                                                      For Enterprise customers building out Embedded integrations, it is not currently possible to create Solutions in shared workspaces.

                                                      In order to manage multiple integrations you will need to set up multiple Tray orgs to act as e.g. dev, staging and prod.

                                                      Each integration is then promoted from the 'Embedded' workspace of one account to the next.

                                                      This is the most common setup for Embedded environment control, and is most effective in terms of segragating users, auths, test vs live data and End Users




                                                      Users (RBAC)

                                                      Users in dev account have access to all dev projects and auths. Same for prod account users

                                                      Unable to assign different roles to users per project

                                                      End Users

                                                      Use Test End Users in staging/dev environments so that billing is not affected


                                                      Dev workspace auths are available to be used in all dev projects. Same for prod workspace auths

                                                      Cannot limit auth access per project within an environment

                                                      Promotion method

                                                      Export from project in dev, import to project in prod

                                                      Custom services

                                                      Will need to create in each account

                                                      During env promotion, need to map custom services

                                                      Custom connectors

                                                      If using a custom service, will need to create in each account

                                                      During env promotion, need to map custom connectors


                                                      Each env has its own token - use separate master tokens to connect with dev and prod in your codebase