Templates and snippets

                                                To enable you to get started quickly, Tray has a library of Templates and Snippets.

                                                They can be accessed in the Templates section of our documentation, or you can browse and deploy them directly in the Tray app.


                                                Templates are complete pre-configured workflows or projects that can get you started in an 'out of the box' fashion:

                                                Artisan IMG > Linkedin (linkedin) (98204dc0-c437-44e0-8a18-f9ae125a714f)
                                                Artisan IMG > Marketo (marketo) (c383e0e8-7699-47c1-8543-9130b9b0a465)
                                                Export leads from LinkedIn to Marketo

                                                Capture leads from a LinkedIn Lead Generation Ad, then create and update contacts in Marketo

                                                Artisan IMG > Salesforce (salesforce) (dd966f42-81e8-4770-a3d8-d095ca41ab45)
                                                Artisan IMG > QuickBooks (quickbooks) (89ed2c46-e95d-45fe-92f4-d3585a05dc60)
                                                Create Quickbooks invoice when Salesforce opp is "Closed Won"

                                                Creates an invoice (and a customer if needed) in Quickbooks when Salesforce marks an Opportunity as "closed won"


                                                Templates are often based on a particular end-to-end use case, as per the above two examples.

                                                They are also categorized by department - Sales, HR, Revops etc.

                                                Clicking on 'details' will give you a full overview and step-by-step guide to getting the template set up.

                                                A template can of course be edited if it doesn't meet your exact needs.

                                                Project templates will contain a group of workflows that work together towards a particular goal, invariably making use of Callable Workflows

                                                These are good examples of how you can 'modularize' by allowing processing functions to be split between workflows, such as the following:

                                                Artisan SVG > Call Workflow (call-workflow) (flash-1)
                                                Artisan SVG > JSON Transformer (json-transformer) (navigation-right-2)
                                                Artisan SVG > Data Storage (storage) (server-edit-1)
                                                Employee Directory Callable Lookup

                                                This project includes a set of templates that help you setup an employee directory callable workflow. It includes workflows that help to create the directory, update the directory when employee changes happen, and search the directory

                                                Artisan SVG > Call Workflow (call-workflow) (flash-1)
                                                Artisan IMG > Slack (slack) (6632c308-2cd1-4f68-8128-e521e552a66b)
                                                Artisan IMG > Salesforce (salesforce) (dd966f42-81e8-4770-a3d8-d095ca41ab45)
                                                The Employee Slack Notices Project

                                                The main workflow allows you to quickly build and send Slack messages as direct or channel messages using a callable workflow. You can embed Salesforce record IDs in messages and it will replace the IDs with the name and link to the record in Salesforce


                                                Deploying templates

                                                Templates can be deployed by clicking on 'Use Template' on the relevant Template documentation page. This will import the template directly into your account, where you can choose which workspace to import it to.

                                                Or, in the Tray app, they can be deployed by choosing 'From Template' when creating a new workflow or project:


                                                Snippets are pre-configured single or multiple workflow steps that can be re-used when needed.

                                                They can save huge amounts of time in terms of avoiding repeat work, and can ensure best practice and uniformity of implementation across your workspaces and projects.

                                                User-generated snippets

                                                When using the build interface you can save single or multiple workflow steps as 'snippets' to be re-used in any of your workflows.

                                                You can save a single step, or you can drag select and save multiple steps:

                                                Then give the snippet a name and save it:

                                                The Tray snippets library

                                                The Tray Snippets library contains a range of snippets that have been tried and tested both internally and with our community of users.

                                                You can browse them in the Templates section of our documentation by filtering by Asset Type > Snippets:

                                                Our snippets can help you build faster and incorporate best practices right off the bat.

                                                Such as the following two examples which help you in finding keywords and flattening a nested object structure which would otherwise have taken you some time to figure out yourself:

                                                Using snippets

                                                Tray library snippets can be deployed by clicking on 'Copy Snippet' on the relevant Snippet documentation page. This will copy the snippet to your clipboard and you can then right-click and paste it anywhere in your workflow:

                                                User-generated snippets can be deployed from the left-hand side of the build interface.

                                                You can text search for snippets and then drag and drop anywhere onto the canvas: