Dependency prerequisites

                                                      You will need to make sure that all services, connectors and authentications are mirrored from one environment to the next.

                                                      This page will take you through the different options.

                                                      Custom services

                                                      Any custom services must be replicated in all environments before first import.

                                                      Custom services here refers to services for which you have set up a custom authentication mechanism - primarily for services which do not have a pre-existing Tray connector and you wish to connect with using the HTTP client.

                                                      When you first import a project which has a workflow step which makes use of a custom service authentication, you will be asked to map it to the relevant service in the destination environment.

                                                      Note that, for token-based services it is possible to use the ‘Generic service’ creation method, which allows you to create the service on the fly on first import.

                                                      Custom connectors

                                                      Any custom connectors you have built using either the CDK or Connector Builder must be shared with both environments

                                                      Custom connectors are generally built when there is no pre-built Tray connector for a third-party service and you wish to build a full set of pre-configured operations in a single connector (i.e. using the HTTP client to access one or two endpoints is not sufficient)

                                                      Connectors built with Connector Builder can be shared with individual users. Therefore you must make sure a connector has been shared with all relevant individuals within all environments via the CDK deployment API.

                                                      Custom OAuth apps

                                                      Custom OAuth apps are primarily used for whitelabelling logos and urls in Embedded integrations.

                                                      Note that the only way to create a Custom OAuth app is via the workflow editor where you must:

                                                      1. Add a connector step for the relevant service

                                                      2. Create a new auth

                                                      3. Choose the 'use own OAuth app' option in the auth dialog

                                                      This must be done in both the source and destination environments before creating and importing the first version of your project.

                                                      So in the destination environment you may need to create a test workflow specifically for this purpose.

                                                      Project / workflow dependencies

                                                      It is generally advised to make your projects 'self-contained' in that callable workflows and alerting workflows should be part of the project.