- On this page
- Overview
Develop - development of your workflows, from one version to another, involves making use of build UI features such as log replays, running steps in isolation and triggering test data runs to enable you to build and test your workflows in preparation for release.
Create release candidate - once you are ready to release a version of your project, you will have a release candidate. Tray’s project versions interface allows you to:
View the project changes made since the last version
Save a new major or minor version (snapshot)
Export a version for importing to production
Deployment - a new ‘production’ version of your project can then be imported for deployment. When deploying dependency checks will be made for:
Third-party connectors (auto-mapped)
Custom services (manually mapped on first import)
Custom connectors (built with CDK or Connector Builder)
Authentications (dev and prod auths will need to be mapped manually on first import)
Config data (any differences between dev and prod config will need to be confirmed)
Rollback: It is possible to:
Roll back to a previous version of a project
Roll back changes to a particular workflow change