Technical limits, timeouts and retries

This page brings together all information on technical limits of connectors on the Tray Platform.

Some of this information is repeated on relevant connector pages.

Timeout information




How long does a connector take to timeout?

45 seconds OR 120 seconds if built and deployed by you using CDK

is longer on certain connectors such as the CSV connectors and Redshift (Redshift setting is 60 minutes)

How long does the HTTP Client (Universal Connector) wait for a response?

15 mins

How long does the Webhook Trigger wait (when using trigger event reply)

5 mins

How long does the Authentication refresh wait before throwing an error - such as 'unable to refresh OAuth token.'

1st retry is immediate

2nd and 3rd retries wait approx 20 seconds

How long does the 'Fire and Wait for Response' operation in the 'Callable response' connector wait before timing out?

this doesn’t have a timeout as a workflow could take a long time to complete

Connector retry logic

Case Policy Notes
Service connector API returns an error Retry 3 times every 40 seconds Retries 3 times only if set to stop workflow, error handling retries 0 times
Internal error (backend) Retries 15 times regardless of error handling Delay increases each time. First retry after 30s, then 2mins, etc. 10th time will wait for 30 minutes. "Unfortunately, we encountered an internal error..."
Backend Error (connector itself) Retries 3 times regardless of error handling "Unfortunately, the connector unexpectedly failed..."
Wrong user input (e.g. wrong jsonpath) Doesn’t retry regardless of error handling Use error returned to troubleshoot
A service trigger / webhook is retrying If the service which sends the webhook doesn't receive a 200 status from, this will depend on the retry policy of the service An example policy is QuickBooks which retries every 20, 30, and 50 minutes
Service connector is not retrying a failed API call Will only retry a failed API call if the error handling logic is set to 'Stop workflow' 'Manual' & 'Continue workflow' logic - Api/ connector error: doesn’t retry internally, generic backend error: retries 3 times internally

Data payload limits

Case Limit Notes
Data that can pass between any 2 steps in the workflow builder 6 MB any more will cause issues
Data that can be sent using the Trigger Event Reply 1 MB
Data that can be consumed by our Webhook Trigger 1 MB file content can be sent as multi-part http requests, with an overall limit of 10MB
Data that can be sent via the Form Trigger 1 MB (10 MB for attached files)
Data that can be attached to an inbound email 10 MB
Case Policy
How long do files generated in a workflow persist? 6 hours

CSV connectors

Case Limit Notes
Data that can be extracted from, or sent to, the CSV Editor in a single call 1 GB more is likely to cause issues
File size limit when importing to the CSV Editor 1 GB
Max payload between steps for CSV Reader 1 MB as per between standard connectors in the builder
Maximum row size 8 KB
Maximum number of columns 4096
When I create a CSV how long does this CSV persist for? 30 days
When I export my created CSV I get a download url How long is the download URL active for? 6 hours as per standard link persistence policy

Logs retention

Case Policy Notes
How long are logs retained for? 7 days or 30 days depending on package can be reduced on request
How long can logs be re-run for? 7 days

The Data Storage connector

Case Policy Notes
Overall storage limit none
Storage limit under single key 400 KB
Nested depth limit 32 for more deeply-nested objects the 'set value' operation can use the 'Force store in older format' option in advanced properties.
How long is data stored under Current Run scope? 30 days from execution to allow for delays in workflow completion
How long is data stored under Workflow scope? until deletion of the workflow
How long is data stored under Account scope? until deletion of the workspace

Webhook trigger rate limits

Case Policy Notes
'Auto respond with status 200' operation No rate limiting
'Validate and respond' operation Rate limiting applies If too many requests (i.e. several hundred per second) come in to your webhook trigger at once, will respond with an HTTP 429 (too many requests) error
Please be sure to throttle requests appropriately at the source third-party service
'Await workflow and respond' operation Rate limiting applies If too many requests (i.e. several hundred per second) come in to your webhook trigger at once, will respond with an HTTP 429 (too many requests) error
Please be sure to throttle requests appropriately at the source third-party service
'Await workflow and respond' operation Response size limit If the combined size of the 'status', 'body and 'header' in a trigger event reply step is larger than 2MB then the request will fail with a 504 after several retries