Usage tips and FAQs

Does Merlin interact with my live data?

Yes. Merlin will update and delete any records that you ask it to.

It is recommended to first test Merlin on test data / sandbox environments.

When using Tray Build powered by Merlin, the end result is that Merlin adds steps to your workflow which will not take any action until a run of the workflow has actually been triggered.

It is important to check any settings that have been made in resulting builder workflow steps before allowing a run to be triggered.

Is there any prerequisite setup for using Merlin?

You can start using Merlin immediately.

For any services involved in your request, Merlin will prompt you to either choose an existing authentication or create a new one on the fly.

However, some services have fairly complex permission requirements (e.g. Netsuite, Salesforce, HubSpot) and so you will need to ensure that you have an account set up with the correct permissions to fulfil the operations.

How do I get the best results from my prompt?

Currently, the key to using Merlin is to work out how specific your query needs to be so that they can be matched with existing Tray connectors and their operations.

For example asking “What is the customer type that earns us the most?” may not return a successful result, as Merlin doesn’t know which system to use and what exact fields to query.

So your prompt may need to be adjusted to “what customer type has the highest ARR Calculated?”

And you may need to specifically use words such as ‘loop’ as in “Get me the Salesforce Closed Won opportunities in the last month. Loop through these and perform x”

As with any other AI-powered tool, we are constantly improving results - e.g. by analyzing user feedback data via the thumbs up and thumbs down responses. 

My prompt has returned an error, what do I do?

Merlin will always attempt to return helpful error information which can help you to improve your prompts.

For example, when attempting to send a Slack message, it may tell you that there is a missing parameter for ‘channel’. In which case you might alter your prompt to something like “please send these results to the #sales-notifications channel in Slack”

My query is running slow. What do I do?

We are working hard on improving the speed of queries.

Some queries can take up to a minute to complete.

How can I help improve Merlin?

We greatly appreciate your valuable feedback! At this stage of development, your input holds immense significance. Your comments and suggestions have the power to shape the direction of our product. We're in the early stages, which means there's plenty of room for changes, and your participation is crucial in making this product the best it can be. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts using the in-app feedback form or reach out to us directly on Slack.

Please tell us:

  • What value could Merlin potentially drive for you in the future?

  • What prompts are you providing Merlin?

  • What bugs are you finding?

  • What value is Merlin driving for you currently?

  • What isn’t working as you would expect?

  • How much faster / easier is using Merlin compared to how you would normally complete a task?