Accelerate your integration strategy with an AI-ready iPaaS

Hero Image - IT, Solutions

Stop the integration burnout

You have invested millions of dollars into developing a best-class digital strategy and are trying to get to grips with the ever-changing world of AI, but are your apps truly AI enterprise-ready with an outdated integration platform? A recent Gartner report stated, “Application integration challenges are one of the main causes of failed IT projects”. So why do legacy integration platforms cause such headaches for IT teams?

Tray’s modern architecture makes it easy for companies to composably, collaboratively, and continuously integrate, automate, and transform every business process using AI to unlock hyper-efficient agility and growth. Tray provides both a developer experience with Tray Code and a business technologist experience via Tray Build helping you to make your integration backlog a thing of the past.

Solutions - IT - Tray Universal Automation Cloud
Gartner Report
Gartner - White LOGO [svg]

How to Prevent Integration Technical Debt

According to Gartner, technical debt in integration leads to poor adaptability to business needs, higher costs, and compromises reliability and quality. Get the latest findings to prevent, identify, and address technical debt undermining your organization’s agility.

1:1 gartner integration technical debt creative

Through migrating off Mulesoft to Tray we’ve been able to cut our integration development time from 3 months to just 3 weeks.

Mark Gill, Zuora
Mark Gill, Senior Director of IT Zuora
Zuora logo

How does Tray help you achieve all of this and more? 

Tray Code

Tray Code allows any developer to build any integration with lightning velocity without relying on specialized training for a specific platform, allowing you to get your developers building integrations from day one.

Solutions - IT - Tray Code - Get connector operations

Tray Build

Tray Build is the low-code workflow editor designed specifically for the business technologist in mind. Business units can build and maintain their integrations alleviating the burden placed upon your integration developers. 

Capabilities - API Management - Merlin AI

Tray Chat

Designed for business users, Tray Chat provides functionality such as on-demand automation and actions with near-instant responses, making it Ideal for fast answers at the point of decision. With the ability to connect with Slack or Microsoft Teams, business users can collaborate with internal and external developers to reduce development time even further. 

Solutions - IT - Tray Chat

Hear from Ryan Pesta, Corporate IT Manager at Auctane (best known for brands like ShipStation and, as he shares the journey from manual scripts to modern automation with incredible results:

3Xfaster delivery velocity
30%productivity boost
356%ROI achieved