ActiveCampaign integration + automation

ActiveCampaign integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust ActiveCampaign connector, which connects any services without the need for separate integration tools.

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Integrate ActiveCampaign fast

Connect ActiveCampaign to your entire tech stack using the low-code Tray Platform. Our platform’s 100% visual, easy-to-use interface empowers anyone to build their own custom ActiveCampaign integrations fast (no IT support required). Stand up integrations between ActiveCampaign and any data source to acquire more leads, boost conversion rates, and maximize campaign performance. 

Looking to bi-directionally sync lead and customer data between all of your go-to applications? With the Tray Platform, you can connect to the ActiveCampaign API in minutes to flow data to any source. We can connect to flat files (such as CSVs), FTP, webhooks, email, and all of your cloud-based applications—even using data within custom fields. 

With the Tray Platform, there’s no limit to what you can create. Build powerful, multi-step automated processes that minimize manual work and help you refocus on more-strategic projects. With our ActiveCampaign connector, you can stand up elegant, automated workflows that make your email campaigns and lead management efforts even more effective.

ActiveCampaign Connector Details

CategoryMarketing Automation Platform (MAP)
Connector TypeTray Connector
Get custom field valueAdd contact to automationAdd contact to listCreate contactGet dealCreate custom fieldCreate custom field optionCreate custom field valueCreate deal pipelineCreate deal stageCreate noteCreate deal taskand 25 more...
View documentation

The Tray Platform gives us speed, agility, visibility, and cost savings. And better yet, it lets us be proactive with our marketing in a way that we couldn’t before. It has become a core part of our marketing infrastructure.

David Dorman of Digital Ocean works with
David Dorman, Director of Growth and Demand Generation

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
